fear for a pick-up. Increase in the veneraal disease rate was said to be up 6% in 1957 over 1956 in male partnerships.

A good partnership needs to bring completion to the individuals and promiscuity limits the opportunities for probing the depths of belief and thought and making a real marriage. There can be no love in constant promiscuity, only animalistic satisfaction and the person living by such standards has an unstable and unfulfilled life.



"ït's a good thing I didn't send you my review of Ann Aldrich's new book. I thought it sensational rubbish. So she's Vin Paoker I'm not surprised. The old proportion of 90% prurient, peepshow pandering and 10% prissy preaching, as in 'True Confessions and/or 'Confidential'. But it's a question of preference, I guess. (Gold Medal books tend toward sensationalism under the banner of 'fearless honesty anyhowi)"

M. B., Rochester, Texas

The review in the January issue of THE LADDER read, "Miss Aldrich has obviously matured in the three years between appearances of her two books under this pseudonym." And because Miss Aldrich is such a controversial writer on the Lesbian theme, the Maroh DOB publio discussion meeting will be devoted to the pros and cons of her latest book, "We, Too, Must Love". Sec Calendar of Events for time and place. -ED.

"Some time ago, when I first received THE LADDER, I sent a note congratulating you on a fine publioation. That note was a bit premature, since I now believe with each issue being better than ever, you have put out something that is really eduoa-